Mizoram BJP claims Hindus will 'protect' Christians from Muslims

Aizawl: Lalrinliana Sailo, former MNF MLA and Core Group Member, Mizoram BJP said Hindus would be the safeguard against perceived threats to Christians, particularly from the Muslim community. He was speaking at a Lok Sabha campaign kick-off program held on Saturday in Aizawl’s Mission Veng locality.

Sailo stated that Christians in Mizoram need to be cautious, highlighting the fact that the majority of leaders in both Congress and BJP are Hindus. He pointed out that Christians constitute only 3% of India’s population, while there is a significant Muslim population of around 20 crore. Expressing concerns about potential conflicts, he urged Mizoram Christians to be wary of Bangladeshi Muslims and Muslims in Vairengte, a town on the Mizoram border. Sailo suggested that in times of conflict, Hindus would come to the aid of Christians, citing historical amicable relations.

Taking examples, Sailo mentioned John Barla, a Lok Sabha MP who identifies as Christian and is appointed as a Union Minister by the BJP.


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